Looking to get your loved one help for substance abuse? Did you know that in Kentucky, there is a law in place that will allow you to petition the courts to get someone involuntarily into treatment?
It’s called Casey’s Law. Casey’s Law is named after Matthew Casey Wethington, who died of a heroin overdose in 2003 at the age of 23. After his death, Casey’s parents lobbied for Casey’s Law so that parents, family members, or friends could petition the court for treatment on behalf of the individuals who are suffering from addiction. Casey’s Law went into effect in Kentucky in 2004 with Ohio following suit in 2012.
The Healing Place is open to those who are being ordered to treatment via Casey’s Law. The process begins with an assessment at one of our facilities. There is a fee for this assessment.
Those who come to The Healing Place via Casey’s Law must sign a release of information so that we can communicate with the courts. If someone isn’t a good fit for our recovery program, we make a referral to the court that is more appropriate for the individual.
For more information on the Casey’s Law process and how to get started with an assessment, please call 502-585-4848 ext. 505 or send us an email.