Since I’ve been in recovery, I have found a new way to live. I have learned that drugs and alcohol were only a symptom of my actual problem. It was the way I was seeing the world that was keeping me sick. Practicing spiritual principles has become invaluable to me. Honesty, open mindedness, and willingness are essential to my new way of life. These principles have allowed me to see the world in a whole new light with a serenity that before recovery, I could never have dreamed of. I now believe that the main thing that will keep me from the truth, is to think that I already have it!
I struggled with an opioid addiction for many years. It started with prescription painkillers that I slowly began to abuse but as my addiction progressed, I moved to street drugs. I tried every way that I knew to overcome my problems, to no avail. Through concerned friends and family I heard about The Healing Place. When I had finally been “beat into a state of reasonableness” I made the decision to seek help.
The Healing Place saved me from myself. It introduced me to Alcoholics Anonymous for my drug and alcohol addiction, as well as a safe, loving, and structured environment to help me with self-discipline and everyday living responsibilities that had fallen by the wayside during the years of my active addiction. For me, those things in tandem were pivotal in my recovery process. Showing up at The Healing Place was the best decision I have ever made.