Planting Seeds of Hope - The Healing Place Planting Seeds of Hope - The Healing Place

Planting Seeds of Hope

By: Courtney Weisshaupt

Every day, men and women are coming through the doors of The Healing Place looking for one thing, hope. Hope that things in life will get better. Hope that it is possible to stop using drugs or alcohol. Hope that someone will help them. The hope about each of these things, and so much more, is found throughout The Healing Place. Even better than that, hope is found the second someone steps foot inside our doors.

From the time a client walks in the door of The Healing Place, until the day they leave, it is nearly impossible to turn around without someone offering them a sense of hope. This hope starts in detox. In detox, staff are providing peer support, care, and compassion to the detoxing individual, and when they say “trust me, it will get better… you won’t have to feel like this ever again” they are speaking from a place of experience because they too have been in a detox bed, accompanied by those same feelings of hopelessness.

The seed of hope is planted in detox and the thought that, maybe there is hope to stop using drugs and alcohol, is introduced. From this point, The Healing Place offers multiple pathways to recovery. Whether someone chooses to participate in the long-term residential program or in our outpatient program, the message is essentially the same. We teach our clients about what it takes to stay sober and equip them with the tools necessary to maintain that recovery in the future.

This brings us back to the hope theme. Hope that things in life will get better. Anyone who has been to The Healing Place will tell you the same thing, stick around, take suggestions, and things WILL get better. In each of our programs, we utilize individuals further along in the process to guide the ones who are newer. What better way to instill hope in someone new than by receiving help and guidance from someone else who has been through similar things in life. Just like in detox!

In addition to the detox and recovery services provided by The Healing Place, we also offer an overnight shelter and our newest program, the Homeless Outreach Program. Both programs are low demand programs and maintaining sobriety is not an expectation as it is in our recovery programs. Even though recovery services aren’t a part of overnight or the Homeless Outreach Program, that doesn’t mean that hope doesn’t play a role. When someone comes into our shelter, they may simply be looking for a safe place to stay or, they may need additional help and are unaware of where to turn. When we can successfully connect someone to additional resources, whether it be residential treatment or permanent housing, we are changing lives in our community and helping people find the hope they too may have lost.

With help and compassion from the staff at The Healing Place, a client’s hope has been restored and they are well on their way to an entirely different outcome than what they could have imagined.

We can all find hope in that.

If you or someone you know needs help, get started by calling 502-585-4848.

One thought on “Planting Seeds of Hope”

  1. Tiffany W says:

    When I think of my journey through The Healing Place, hope was a big part of that journey! When I first walked through the door, being there was not what I had I planned for my life. God and the Ky DOC seen fit to give me that gift. And man how grateful I am for that gift. Today I scan honestly say that I remain hopeful rather than hopeless. I completed program in 2019 and have remained to stay sober since then. Recovery is possible and we do recover!

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